Allan Rayman live in concert.

Allan Rayman

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 8 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Allan Rayman is rated as a mediocre live performer, with shows that lack substantial critical acclaim. Allan Rayman concert reviews describe live shows and performances as soulful and mysterious.




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Latest Release

The All Allan Hour (26 April 2024)

Artist Info

The cryptic performer, who crafted his reclusive enigma in Lost Springs, Wyoming (now residing in Toronto), is excruciatingly private. Allan Rayman responds to few interview requests and his account is meant solely for promotion of music, films and merchandise.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Diandra Reviews It All (USA)

June 8, 2019
The Allan Rayman Show Hits Warsaw

Diandra Reviews It All (USA)

October 31, 2018
Allan Rayman's Halloween Special At Public Arts

303 Magazine (USA)

October 5, 2017
At a venue that only holds around 250 people, the show quickly sold out (Rayman’s top songs “Tennessee” and “Lucy the Tease” have over six million listens on Spotify).

BeatRoute Magazine (Canada)

September 25, 2017
His sound taps into grunge, R&B, soul, blues, and rap, creating a fusion that is undeniable.

Grimy Goods (USA)

April 5, 2017
Caught somewhere between the soulful inflections of R&B and hip-hop, wrapped-up ruggedly into a dark folk storytelling of his alter ego Mr.

Vies Magazine (Canada)

March 23, 2017
Roadhouse Swoons the Rio The mystery for many of us was revealed in Vancouver at the Rio Theatre as Mr.

Lords of Dogwood (Canada)

March 22, 2017
Mysterious. Enigmatic. Cryptic. These are all great descriptors of an artist on the brink of breaking out, but none of them really describe actual musical content. Welcome to the allure of Lost Springs, Wyoming indie R&B singer Allan Rayman. There seem to be more questions than answers about Rayman’s beginnin

Past critic reviews published in

NOW Magazine (Canada)

Image Credit

The Come Up Show [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons