Amber Run live in concert.

Amber Run

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 24 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Amber Run is rated as an enjoyable live performer, with decent shows overall. Amber Run concert reviews describe live shows and performances as cinematic.


Oczki, Warsaw, Poland (Apr 17); The Button Factory, Dublin, Ireland (May 1)


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Latest Release

The Power Of Love (1 December 2023)

Artist Info

Nottingham, United Kingdom (2012 - present)
Amber Run is a band made up of five members called Will, Joshua, Tom, Henry and Felix.The members of Amber Run became friends at a University in Nottingham.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Leftlion (UK)

April 17, 2023
Amrit Virdi took a trip to Rock City to see Nottingham-bred band Amber Run perform…

UK Music Reviews (UK)

April 16, 2023
The Nottingham based trio Amber Run brought their astounding mix of indie guitar riffs and soulful ballads to Rock City on Saturday night, and the predominantly young crowd could hardly contain their excitement.

Live in Limbo (Canada)

November 22, 2019
Amber Run at The Horseshoe Tavern

Diandra Reviews It All (USA)

December 10, 2018
Amber Run Make MHOW Say Amen

Leftlion (UK)

February 14, 2017
The Notts rock band are sky-rocketing to success all over the country with popular tunes such as I Found, 5AM and No Answers. Now they’ve come back to their roots for a massive show that marks the release of their second album, For a Moment I Was Lost...

Birmingham Live (UK)

February 11, 2017
While the specifics of the difficulties have not been shared, the band has repeatedly stated that they didn’t know if they would be around to complete this most recent full length album aptly titled For A Moment, I Was Lost.

UK Music Reviews (UK)

February 11, 2017
Amber Run performing at Rock City Nottingham on Friday 10th February 2017

Past critic reviews published in

The Independent (UK), Leftlion (UK), The Upcoming (UK), Leftlion (UK), The Upcoming (UK) and more

Image Credit

Sedrikdedrik [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons