Brian McKnight live in concert.

Brian McKnight

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 9 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Brian McKnight is rated as an entertaining live performer, with many notable strengths. Brian McKnight concert reviews describe live shows and performances as exciting.




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Latest Release

McKnighttime Lullabies (20 October 2023)

Artist Info

Buffalo, United States (6/5/1969)
Brian McKnight (born June 5, 1969 in Buffalo, New York) is an American singer, songwriter, arranger, producer and one of the prominent singers of his years, specializing in pop and R&B. He is a multi-instrumentalist and plays the piano, guitar, and trumpet.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Chicago Concert Reviews (USA)

December 2, 2023
Hard Rock Live gets "Back At One" via balladeer Brian McKnight, neo-soul greatness of Vivian Green

Live in Limbo (Canada)

August 11, 2022
A Celebration of Independence, culture, cuisine, music, and art is what Toronto’s JerkFest provides for the city. Being in the presence of people enjoying the experience was exciting, especially after not having the physical ability to congregate in large groups due to the pandemic.

Chicago Concert Reviews (USA)

November 23, 2021
Even with R&B star Brian McKnight's “Exodus” from albums, City Winery unlocks live possibilities

The Columbus Dispatch (USA)

July 22, 2018
The Columbus Symphony Orchestra’s Picnic with the Pops presented R&B superstar Brian McKnight, along with music from a collection of other pop and orchestral favorites.

The AU Review (Australia)

June 26, 2011
For the first time in over a decade Brian McKnight has come to play to an intimate gig to a sold out Metro Theatre in Sydney.

The Buffalo News (USA)

July 18, 2015
Brian McKnight proved to Niagara Falls that he can still hit the high notes and charm a crowd. (Getty Images)

100 Percent Rock Magazine (Australia)

May 28, 2014
Brian McKnight had them packed in all over the main floor. first level, and most of the balcony when he took to the stage at Motor City’s Sound Board Theater.

Past critic reviews published in (UK), (UK), The Skinny (UK), (UK), (UK) and more

Image Credit

Andrew Bardwell [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons