Wellington, Wellington, North Island, New Zealand (12/15/1983)
Held every year on verdant polo grounds in Indio, California, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is many things to many people: A way to hear the best alternative music, a giant lawn party of hipsters wearing hemp sunhats, or the one place you can gawk at members of super-bands as they ride around on golf carts.
Has Performed With
Dark Waves
Artist Website
Critic Concert Reviews
The 13th Floor (New Zealand)
June 23, 2024
Brooke Fraser teamed up with the Auckland Philharmonia to bring 12,000 fans an evening of lush, beautiful, brilliant music.
Acoustic singer/songwriters are ten-a-penny these days (that said can anyone recall a time when they weren't?) so to get anywhere artists need to have a nous for hooking in an audience alongside the always-obligatory great songs.
Returning to Los Angeles for the first time in a year with a brand new album Brutal Romantic, the New Zealand singer-songwriter took time out between songs to tell us about one of the tracks.