Charlie Cunningham live in concert.

Charlie Cunningham

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Charlie Cunningham is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 10% of all live performers. Based on 7 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Charlie Cunningham is rated as a remarkable live performer, with impressive shows that are worth watching.


Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany (Apr 23)


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Latest Release

Frame (31 March 2023)

Artist Info

Charlie Cunningham is an English singer-songwriter based in Oxford. Cunningham is a fresh talent, proving to be more than just a man with a guitar and a voice; a regularity that we have become all too familiar with.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Express (UK)

April 15, 2023
After a four year gap in touring and since his last record, Charlie Cunningham is met with a giddy reception at the second of two sold out nights at the aptly intimate venue Lafayette.

The Arts Desk (UK)

June 14, 2019
His fingers flicker over the guitar strings as delicately as the flame dancing on the wick of a candle.

GetIntoThis (UK)

November 12, 2019
Charlie Cunningham, Winnie Raeder: Philharmonic Music Room, Liverpool

The Snipe News (Canada)

September 20, 2019
For the final song of their set, they performed the hit single, "Minimum".

Thank Folk for That (USA)

October 20, 2017
Hailing from England, Cunningham separates himself from the ever growing pack of indie singer-songwriters with his exceptional and distinctive guitar skills.

Mondo Sonoro (Spain)

May 3, 2017
Costello, Spain

The Line Of Best Fit (UK)

September 24, 2014
However, spend five minutes at a Golden Slippers show and you will understand what it's all about; the love of music.

Past critic reviews published in

Riot Magazine (UK), KDHX (USA), Northwest Music Scene (USA), Vies Magazine (Canada), Drunken Werewolf (UK) and more

Image Credit

Alexander Kellner [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons