Cold Chisel live in concert.

Cold Chisel

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 17 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Cold Chisel is rated as a watchable live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Cold Chisel concert reviews describe live shows and performances as spirited, dynamic, and magical.


Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, Australia (November 22); Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney, Australia (December 4)


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Latest Release

50 Years - The Best Of (16 August 2024)

Artist Info

(1973 - 1984)
Cold Chisel produced the canonical example of Australian pub rock, with a string of hits throughout the 1970s and 1980s, and they are acknowledged as one of the most popular and successful Australian groups of the period, although this success and acclaim was almost completely restricted to Australia.
Has Performed With
You Am I

Critic Concert Reviews

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

December 18, 2015
Cold Chisel 'Last stand', 30 years after the last one, still brings the house down

The Music (Australia)

December 15, 2015
While their energy and Phil Jamieson's free-spirited nature were contagious, the set's fast pace seemed to come from Jamieson wanting it to be over as quickly as possible.

The AU Review (Australia)

April 28, 2012
The gig had been delayed by a week by an unfortunate incident between Ian Moss and his cat which had landed him in hospital.

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

April 20, 2012
Sydney, Australia

The Music (Australia)

April 18, 2012
The young singer was clearly thrilled at the chance to play on the same stage as the iconic rockers.

The AU Review (Australia)

November 14, 2011
But as ten thousand witnesses will attest Australian rock 'n' roll has a revived pulse in the reunion of Cold Chisel.

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

July 23, 2011
Sydney, Australia

Past critic reviews published in

The AU Review (Australia), Life Music Media, Libel (New Zealand), Stuff (New Zealand), The Age (Australia) and more

Image Credit

Jeanee M [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons