Electric Guest live in concert.

Electric Guest

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 11 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Electric Guest is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction.




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Latest Release

The Jerk/Back on Me (13 April 2023)

Artist Info

Los Angeles, United States (2005 - present)
Electric Guest is a Los Angeles-based band comprising Asa Taccone, Matthew Compton, and the brothers Todd and Tory Dahlhoff. Until 2011, Electric Guest was a duo with original members Taccone and Compton, before the Dahlhoffs joined to make it a four-member band.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Berkeley B-Side (USA)

November 8, 2019
Bills in the air and a t-shirt cannon at the Regency Ballroom with Electric Guest

Pass The Aux (USA)

March 27, 2017
Electric Guest wow hometown crowd at Teragram

Pass The Aux (USA)

November 23, 2016
Electric Guest's intimate Monty Bar gig delivers promise

The Upcoming (UK)

May 1, 2013
In addition to the Californians’ weighty performance credentials they’ve also had a song in the French singles charts and lined up blockbusting producer Danger Mouse to produce their addictive debut album.

The Upcoming (UK)

February 19, 2013
The LA double-act responsible for the indie-soul grooves of 2012 debut album Mondo consists of singer Asa Tacconne and drummer Matthew (Cornbread) Compton.

The AU Review (Australia)

August 3, 2012
Completely underestimating Electric Guest’s popularity in Sydney I rushed into OAF expecting to move freely throughout the crowd but was met with a packed-out venue, it seems their Danger Mouse-produced debut Mondo won them a large following down-under.

The Music (Australia)

July 31, 2012
So much so that the audience is almost as receptive and just as large for the opening act, Brisbane's Yes You, who have received a flogging on the station in the last 12 months or so.

Past critic reviews published in

Bristol In Stereo (UK), Showbams (USA), ConcertNews.be (Belgium), Music Feeds (Australia)

Image Credit

Jeroen Komen [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons