Isobel Campbell live in concert.

Isobel Campbell

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 36 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Isobel Campbell is rated as a neither good nor bad live performer, with mediocre shows overall. Isobel Campbell concert reviews describe live shows and performances as mesmerising, haunting, charismatic, stunning, authentic, and thrilling.




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Latest Release

Toi - Single (19 September 2024)

Artist Info

Glasgow, United Kingdom (4/27/1976)
Isobel Campbell (born April 27, 1976) is a Scottish singer, cellist and composer in the indie and folk genres. As with her former band Belle and Sebastian, she is often labelled as twee pop.
Has Performed With
Mark Lanegan

Critic Concert Reviews

Hot Press Magazine (Ireland)

February 3, 2020
The Scottish singer-songwriter brought her stunning new album, There Is No Other to Dublin on Saturday night. Isobel Campbell and her band shuffled from the wings without fanfare.

The Scotsman (Scotland)

January 31, 2020
IT HAS been almost a decade since Isobel Campbell lived or played in her native Glasgow, but her mesmerising musical MO hasnt changed.

The AU Review (Australia)

August 5, 2011
Opening the night were locals The Ghost Hotel, who put on a strong and charismatic performance to warm up those early arrivals.

Consequence (USA)

October 23, 2010
But those who did choose to “pregame” Thursday evening at the Ohio State-affiliated Wexner Center were amply rewarded with a type of show that not even The Wall could completely cast its long shadow over.

The Skinny (UK)

September 13, 2010
The angel-devil binary is so explicit they would look just as at home whispering advice from the shoulders of some morally conflicted cartoon character.

musicOMH (UK)

September 10, 2010
London, UK

musicOMH (UK)

December 8, 2008
Dressed in her trademark pretty dress she exudes girliness exaggerating the contrast between her vocals and those of The Screaming Trees front man Mark Lanegan – his deep growling husk making the packed pews vibrate.

Past critic reviews published in

The Guardian (UK), (UK), musicOMH (UK), The Guardian (UK), The Skinny (UK) and more

Image Credit

Marco Annunziata [CC BY-2.0] via Wikimedia Commons