"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 9/23/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 23 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Joseph Arthur is rated as a remarkable live performer, with worthwhile shows overall. Joseph Arthur concert reviews describe live shows and performances as dramatic.
Joseph Arthur (born September 28, 1971) is an American contemporary singer-songwriter from Akron, Ohio. He is known for his melodic compositions combined with swirling choruses.
Has Performed With
The Lonely Astronauts
Critic Concert Reviews
Pass The Aux (USA)
June 23, 2018
Joseph Arthur revisits ‘Redemption's Son' at Teragram
Plucked from obscurity by Peter Gabriel in the 90s and well known for recording each of his performances and selling them as unique albums at the end of his shows Arthur has a mastery of his craft.
Exemplifying a sort of modern day Renaissance man his talents extend beyond the mic spilling over into the visual arts world with his Picasso-esque creations.