Joshua Redman live in concert.

Joshua Redman

critic concert reviews

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Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 14 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Joshua Redman is rated as an impressive live performer, with worthwhile shows overall. Joshua Redman concert reviews describe live shows and performances as joyous, enchanting, dynamic, playful, dreamy, and avant-garde.



Latest Release

Troy Music Hall (Live) (20 May 2024)

Artist Info

Berkeley, United States (2/1/1969)
Joshua Redman (born February 1, 1969) is a prominent American jazz saxophonist who records for Nonesuch Records. Redman, who is Black and Jewish, was born in Berkeley, California.
Has Performed With
Christian McBride

Critic Concert Reviews

Jazzwise (UK)

July 24, 2024
The 31st edition of Istanbul’s varied and exciting jazz festival packed in big names and many welcome surprises

Nippertown (USA)

February 9, 2024
After releasing his highly-lauded “where are we” album last year, saxophonist Joshua Redman built a new band to play live the place-specific tunes on the album, which he made with A-list jazz stars.

Jazzwise (UK)

November 30, 2023
The panoramic city-wide event dazzled with a daring mix of jazz styles with some boldly ambitious large ensemble works underpinned with some standout individual performances

Jazzwise (UK)

November 15, 2023
The tenor sax giant is joined by the young vocalist for an evening of electrifying improvisation and musical storytelling

The Arts Desk (UK)

February 20, 2019
Brian Blade's sense of dynamic, his ability to be everywhere in the texture and yet never to overpower it is jaw-dropping.

Jazzwise (UK)

November 20, 2017
This year the Belgrade Jazz Festival chose a programme more aimed at exploration than familiarity and featured many emerging artists plus a smattering of more familiar names to add balance to the line-up.

The Columbus Dispatch (USA)

March 29, 2017
It was more so in the late 1970s, when four of his sidemen — saxophonist Dewey Redman, trumpeter Don Cherry, bassist Charlie Haden and drummer Ed Blackwell — formed Old and New Dreams to celebrate Coleman’s musical legacy.

Past critic reviews published in

Jazzwise (UK), The Guardian (UK), Financial Times (UK), BeatRoute Magazine (Canada), Financial Times (UK) and more

Image Credit

Siebe van Ineveld [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons