Knuckle Puck is an American pop punk band, formed in 2010 in the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. The band got its name from a Stick to Your Guns t-shirt that said "Knuckle Puck Crew".
Has Performed With
Critic Concert Reviews
Distorted Sound Magazine (UK)
April 7, 2024
Having recently released their fourth full-length effort Losing What We Love, fans of this Chicago five-piece have been eagerly anticipating their return the UK, and it shows with a strong turnout for this weeknight show.
Knuckle Puck and Real Friends, with One Step Closer and Arm’s Reach, stopped by Big Night Live in Boston and delivered on all fronts!; New York City punk rock trio Scarboro have some thoughts on how things have changed lately in the premiere of their new single “New Normal.”
At the time of any arrival, I did not know that the show would sell out, that people would be stage diving over my head as I shielding my camera, nor that I am slowly starting to recognize more and more people that go to the same shows that I do.