Majical Cloudz live in concert.

Majical Cloudz

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Majical Cloudz is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 10% of all live performers. Based on 20 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Majical Cloudz is rated as a remarkable live performer, with impressive shows that are worth watching. Majical Cloudz concert reviews describe live shows and performances as emotional, cathartic, breathtaking, repetitive, captivating, lyrical, and melodic.




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Latest Release

Downtown (2 November 2020)

Artist Info

Montreal, Canada (2010 - present)
Majical Cloudz wasmusic and performance. Rooted in solo material written by Devon Welsh between rural Ontario and Montreal, he joined with Matthew Otto in February 2012 to collaboratively produce and perform the music.
Has Performed With
Moon King

Critic Concert Reviews

Exclaim (Canada)

March 11, 2016
However, after just two full-length albums and two EPs, singer-songwriter Devon Welsh and producer Matthew Otto

The AU Review (Australia)

February 16, 2016
Canadian duo Majical Cloudz brought their Laneway 2016 set to the intimate Newtown Social Club for what proved to be a reflection on sombre emotions dispersed among witty one liners.

The Music (Australia)

February 8, 2016
Newtown Social Club, Sydney, Australia

Consequence (USA)

January 30, 2016
Chicago, USA

Spectrum Culture (USA)

January 27, 2016
Welsh gives himself up in his lyrics.

Exclaim (Canada)

October 24, 2015
Since the release of their debut album Impersonator back in 2013 the Montreal duo have developed the reputation of having one of the most cathartic pop shows in recent memory.

Exclaim (Canada)

June 19, 2015
He urged the crowd to make as much noise as possible in remembrance of the victims of the recent Charleston church shooting and was obliged with roars.

Past critic reviews published in

Exclaim (Canada), The Orange County Register (USA), LA Music Blog (USA), BeatRoute Magazine (Canada), The Wild Honey Pie (USA) and more

Image Credit

Anna Hanks [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons