Manu Chao live in concert.

Manu Chao

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Manu Chao is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 5% of all live performers. Based on 21 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Manu Chao is rated as an excellent live performer, with noteworthy shows that are worth seeing. Manu Chao concert reviews describe live shows and performances as boisterous, euphoric, and delightful.




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Latest Release

Viva tu (20 September 2024)

Artist Info

Paris, France (6/21/1961)
Manu Chao, born Jose-Manuel Thomas Arthur Chao on June 21, 1961, in Paris, France, is a multifaceted musician celebrated for his eclectic musical style and socially conscious lyrics.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

GoldenPlec (Ireland)

June 30, 2015
It captures the euphoric, brash and delightfully incongruous mood that pervaded miserably rainy Kilmainham.

The Arts Desk (UK)

October 2, 2012
Like Glastonbury where he hated being in the VVIP area of the main stage with Amy Winehouse and Jay Z – all the fences and passes made him think of Palestine and he looked bored and dejected.

Spectrum Culture (USA)

October 24, 2010
I’m not going to make a half-assed analogy comparing Chao’s Spanish ancestry to the Spanish spoken in Chile.

Hot Press Magazine (Ireland)

November 16, 2007
Yet the sheer size of the event forces Manu to play a role to which he is unsuited: a stadium artist.

musicOMH (UK)

October 2, 2007
But one glance at the deserted Brixton Academy’s VIP section and I was wondering where everyone had gone.

Mondo Sonoro (Spain)

May 4, 2016
Manu Chao Live In Concert In Spain

State Magazine (Ireland)

June 29, 2015
For the thousands of manic boisterous fans in the grounds of IMMA on Saturday night you can only start and end with his music.

Past critic reviews published in

Gaffa (Denmark), Gaffa (Norway), Soundvenue (Denmark), (Belgium), The Austin Chronicle (USA) and more

Image Credit

Derzsi Elekes Andor [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons