Marnie Stern live in concert.

Marnie Stern

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 21 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Marnie Stern is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction.




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Latest Release

Sixteen (20 February 2024)

Artist Info

New York, United States (3/18/1976)
Marnie Stern (born March 18, 1976) is a musician, songwriter, and guitarist from New York City. She has garnered acclaim for her technical skill and tapping style of guitar play.
Has Performed With
Sky Larkin

Critic Concert Reviews

The Skinny (UK)

June 7, 2013
Broadcast, Glasgow, Scotland

The Upcoming (UK)

June 6, 2013
Even after four albums on US indie’s flagship label Kill Rock Stars Marnie Stern’s career feels like it’s just heating up.

The Aquarian Weekly (USA)

March 30, 2011
Santos Party House, New York City, USA

Dallas Observer (USA)

February 25, 2011
Marnie Stern Marnie Stern stepped onto the small, half-circle stage at Sons of Hermann Hall, looking casual and cool with her hair braided down the side, wearing a cut-up Elvis Costello T-shirt that complemented her no-fuss style.


July 29, 2009
London, UK

The Line Of Best Fit (UK)

June 6, 2013
I’ve never been much of a fan of that whole guitar tapping technique but I’m willing to forget anything I’ve said about it in the past on the evidence of Stern’s virtuosity in front of a very happy Glasgow crowd.

State of Mind Magazine (USA)

June 6, 2013
As a recently engaged man, I made a promise to myself that I would not fall in love with Marnie Stern when I went to see her perform live.

Past critic reviews published in

Rave Child (Scotland), Bearded Magazine (UK), NOW Magazine (Canada), Collaspe Board (Australia), Faster Louder (Australia) and more

Image Credit

Mackenzie Kosut [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons