Mount Kimbie live in concert.

Mount Kimbie

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 46 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Mount Kimbie is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Mount Kimbie concert reviews describe live shows and performances as ambient, flawless, atmospheric, melodic, dazzling, and danceable.


Larmer Tree Gardens, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom (Aug 28)

Latest Release

The Sunset Violent (5 April 2024)

Artist Info

London, United Kingdom (2008 - present)
Mount Kimbie are Dominic Maker and Kai Campos who met at university in 2008 and began making music together in a home studio in Peckham, England.
Has Performed With
Holy Other

Critic Concert Reviews

Chicago Tribune (USA)

May 26, 2024
As Mount Kimbie has gone indie, its more straightforward sound still holds its surprises

Berkeley B-Side (USA)

May 19, 2018
Subtly textured, effortlessly propulsive, Mount Kimbie is a Force

The Music (Australia)

March 9, 2018
It's been a weird ride, with plenty of acclaim, but even now it still feels like there's something scratching at their skin from the inside.

The Skinny (UK)

November 6, 2017
Tinny but tenacious, Mount Kimbie deliver a mixed performance tonight at Glasgow's Art School

The Music (Australia)

January 29, 2014
The young musician was part nervous part delighted to be playing in such a large venue and warming up for a great act.

GoldenPlec (Ireland)

November 14, 2013
It also helped to ensure that the audience at The Button Factory were suitably loose when Mount Kimbie took to the stage last Saturday.

The Skinny (UK)

November 14, 2013
SWG3 Galvanizers Yard, Glasgow, Scotland

Past critic reviews published in

The Guardian (UK), The Music (Australia), The Guardian (UK), The AU Review (Australia), GIGsoup (UK) and more

Image Credit

Das Kraftfuttermischwerk [CC BY-2.0] via Wikimedia Commons