Pedro the Lion is an indie rock band from Seattle, Washington. David Bazan formed the band in 1995 and represented its main creative force, backed by a varying rotation of collaborating musicians.
Has Performed With
Critic Concert Reviews
Spectrum Culture (USA)
July 29, 2024
Since Bazan revived Pedro before a sold-out audience at Mississippi Studios in late 2017, he’s played a dozen shows in Portland, both in official venues (Revolution Hall, Village Ballroom) and as part of the Living Room Shows concert series that he’s become a consistent staple of.
A voice cried out a few songs into Pedro the Lion’s set: “I forgot how much I love these songs!” Singer David Bazan, who was standing a couple of feet away from the mic, walked back, with a bemused, “What the fuck?” face as he said, “Yeah man! I’m glad!” It was an innocuous moment
After a quick nap and the inner battle of, “Do I really need to go to this show?”, I found myself in my car driving downtown because, yes, I did need to go to this show.