Prophets Of Rage live in concert.

Prophets Of Rage

critic concert reviews

How good are they LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critics Consensus

Prophets Of Rage is "Real Live Certified" and is in the top 10% of all live performers. Based on 60 concert reviews, the critics consensus is that Prophets Of Rage is rated as a superb live performer, with remarkable shows that are worth seeing. Prophets Of Rage concert reviews describe live shows and performances as incendiary, confident, and infectious.

How long are their concerts?

How long are Prophets Of Rage concerts? Prophets Of Rage concerts usually last from one and a half hours to up to three hours long.

How much to book?

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Artist Info

Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, United States (2016 - present)
Has Performed With
Dead Letter Circus
Artist Website

Critic Concert Reviews

V13 (Canada)

August 22, 2019
“It’s absolutely packed in there, mate, I’ve never seen it this busy.” exclaims one of the venue security staff as we shoehorn our way through to the front ready for Prophets of Rage to take to the stage.

Manchester Evening News (UK)

August 14, 2019
Prophets of Rage at Manchester Academy

Reflections of Darkness (Germany)

August 7, 2019
Cologne, Germany

Ambient Light (New Zealand)

April 1, 2018
Supergroups are certainly not a new thing, but few could argue that Prophets of Rage are the supergroup to end all others.

The Music (Australia)

March 22, 2018
Therefore it was unsurprising that the hometown mob appeared confident in this environment, and their Every Time I Die meets The Bronx fare boasted spiky riffs and infectious melodies that endeared them to pockets of the uninitiated.

The 13th Floor (New Zealand)

March 21, 2018
But really? Are they really needed? Are they relevant? Prophets of Rage, all I have to say is Oh my God, the idea of this band is just… cringey.

Louder Sound

July 16, 2017
the Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Past critic reviews published in

Distorted Sound Magazine (UK), Distorted Sound Magazine (UK), The Upcoming (UK), Seattle Music News (USA), Live in Limbo (Canada) and more

Image Credit

[CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Latest Release

Black Reign (13 January 2023)