Raul Malo live in concert.

Raul Malo

critic concert reviews

How good are they LIVE?

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critics Consensus

Based on 12 concert reviews, the critics consensus is that Raul Malo is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Raul Malo concert reviews describe live shows and performances as amazing.

How long are their concerts?

How long are Raul Malo concerts? Raul Malo concerts usually last an hour and a half.

How much to book?

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Artist Info

Miami, United States (8/7/1965)
A Floridian of Cuban descent, Raul Malo is an American singer and songwriter. Currently pursuing a solo career, he participated in Los Super Seven (a Latin American supergroup) and was the lead singer of The Mavericks.
Has Performed With
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Critic Concert Reviews

Dallas Observer (USA)

May 29, 2022
Raul Malo Brought a Casual Brilliance to the Kessler Theater on Saturday.

Glide Magazine (USA)

November 8, 2010
The club’s space is well suited to his music, has just enough bar area, just enough dance floor for the 300 plus standing room only crowd, who danced and clapped from the start.

Exclaim (Canada)

August 13, 2009
He kicked things off with a number he introduced as a torch song and the entire show was decidedly more torch than twang.

Country Standard Time (USA)

December 5, 2007
Bostons Paradise Rock Club, Boston, USA

Parklife DC (USA)

April 4, 2024
Raul Malo performs at The Birchmere on March 30, 2024.

Cleveland.com (USA)

November 7, 2015
It's ironic because the Latin-influenced, award-winning Americana group that had hips shaking and lips smiling at the Hard Rock Rocksino here Friday night NEVER brings you down.

Jambands (USA)

December 19, 2012
Birchmere Music Hall, Alexandria, USA

Past critic reviews published in

The Musical Box (USA), Faster Louder (Australia), The Musical Box (USA), The Musical Box (USA), No Depression (USA)

Image Credit

[CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Latest Release

Say Less (19 May 2023)