Sales live in concert.


critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Sales is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 10% of all live performers. Based on 11 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Sales is rated as a superb live performer, with remarkable shows that are worth watching. Sales concert reviews describe live shows and performances as dreamy.




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Latest Release

Voucher - Single (24 July 2024)

Artist Info

SALES is the duo of Lauren Morgan (vocals, guitar, programming) and Jordan Shih (programming, guitar) from Orlando, Florida, USA.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Seattle Music News (USA)

December 2, 2017
Double Your Fun With Sales

Berkeley B-Side (USA)

September 30, 2017
SALES brings “Jamz” to Great American Music Hall (UK)

October 16, 2015
Not much is really known about the pair apart from the release of their beautifully understated 2014 EP and more recent single 'Big Sis'.

We All Want Someone To Shout For (USA)

October 16, 2018
Sales, the duo of Lauren Morgan and Jordan Sinh (along with touring drummer Malcolm Martin), self-released their new album forever & ever earlier this year. They brought their tour back to Brooklyn on September 22 for a performance at Elsewehre, along with openers No Vacation and Hana Vu.

LA Record (USA)

August 11, 2018
The Floridian duo may have made this album on their own, but they weren’t alone last night at The Troubadour as the sold out crowd helped make the smooth indie pop songs flow throughout the venue.

Vancouver Weekly (Canada)

December 3, 2017
Dreamy indie rockers bring life to the Biltmore Cabaret

GetIntoThis (UK)

October 21, 2015
It can’t be easy for a new band to travel half way across the world on a shoestring budget, hiring cars to drive yourselves across countries and running the tour pretty much independently.

Past critic reviews published in

LA Record (USA), We All Want Someone To Shout For (USA), Sidewalk Hustle (Canada), LA Record (USA)

Image Credit

[CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons