"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 9/23/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 12 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Salif Keita is rated as an entertaining live performer, with many notable strengths. Salif Keita concert reviews describe live shows and performances as cheerful.
Koko, London, United Kingdom (May 29); Parc del Fòrum, Barcelona, Spain (Jun 5)
He has constantly changed styles making use of anything from traditional Malian instrumentation to electronics and last year's album Tale was a low point with its attempted foray into the dance music market.
The sound of five-piece Nigerian band Toby Foyeh & Orchestra Africa possesses a contemporary tinge as shown by the vamping on electric piano and occasional Santana-like grooves.
Too often when the nebulous term “world music” is applied to a musician’s work critical response verges on the academic adopting a notably different tone from that used to describe contemporary pop and rock acts.