"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 9/23/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Self Esteem is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 1% of all live performers. Based on 48 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Self Esteem is rated as a flawless live performer, phenomenal in every aspect. Self Esteem concert reviews describe live shows and performances as powerful, charismatic, ingenious, flawless, joyful, emotional, and euphoric.
Larmer Tree Gardens, Salisbury, Wiltshire, United Kingdom (Aug 28)
“Do I look alright?” Rebecca Lucy Taylor – AKA Self Esteem – asks ironically, red lipstick smeared widely over face before scolding an audience member for raising their phone torch during a quiet spot in tonight’s set: “Don’t do that, it’s not a Coldplay show!”. She later apologises of course, “before we go into the br
Amidst sapphic screams from the queer heaven that has descended on the Hammersmith Apollo, Rebecca Lucy Taylor stands at the top of a staircase to nowhere – four lights behind her, three backing performers either side – silhouetted.