"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 9/23/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 215 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Steel Panther is rated as an impressive live performer, with many notable strengths. Steel Panther concert reviews describe live shows and performances as glorious, amazing, charismatic, entertaining, raunchy, fierce, and lyrical.
Rialto Theatre, Tucson, United States (Mar 20); Vaskiluoto, Vaasa, Finland (Jun 13); Donington Park, Castle Donington, Derby, United Kingdom (Jun 13); Donington Park, Castle Donington, United Kingdom (Jun 13); Vicar Street, Dublin, Ireland (Jun 18); Musis Arnhem, Arnhem, Netherlands (Jun 23); Ekebergsletta, Oslo, Norway (Jun 25); Szalki-sziget, Dunaújváros, Hungary (Jul 2)
In 2008, Metal Skool changed their name to Steel Panther. Steel Panther is a Los Angeles, California based glam metal parody band founded by former LA Guns vocalist Ralph Saenz (Michael Starr).
If you’re easily offended and didn’t like the 80’s, Steel Panther probably aren’t for you. If you’re up for a nostalgic dose of hair metal, un-PC jokes and excess, then you’re in for a good night!