Strand Of Oaks live in concert.

Strand Of Oaks

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 39 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Strand Of Oaks is rated as an impressive live performer, with many notable strengths. Strand Of Oaks concert reviews describe live shows and performances as electrifying, dramatic, euphoric, psychedelic, soulful, intense, and memorable.




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Latest Release

Miracle Focus (7 June 2024)

Artist Info

Goshen, United States (7/20/1982)
Strand of Oaks is the rock project of American songwriter and producer Timothy Showalter. In 2003, Showalter's house burned down, his fiancee left him, and he resorted to writing songs on an acoustic guitar while living on park benches in suburban Philadelphia.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Local Spins (USA)

September 25, 2019
Led by Timothy Showalter, the band made a memorable tour stop at The Pyramid Scheme in Grand Rapids, with Showalter’s mom even making a guest appearance. Review, photos.

Diandra Reviews It All (USA)

May 12, 2019
Strand of Oaks Welcomes You To Eraserland

Louder Sound

March 31, 2017
In a perfect world, stoned – or high, or plain tripping balls for that matter – would be the best way of appreciating the euphoric rush of Showalter’s psychedelic FM radio rock.

The Santa Barbara Independent (USA)

March 29, 2017
After lead guitarist Jason Anderson warmed the crowd up with folk tunes and Heather McEntire followed with her lovely southern drawl, about 50 lucky attendees, myself included, would hear a magnificent performance.

The Aquarian Weekly (USA)

May 6, 2015
Cannon's Blackthorn, USA

Consequence (USA)

June 22, 2014
It’s easy to see because he doesn’t wear sleeves onstage and gestures broadly dramatically between guitar leads.

Knack Focus (Belgium)

January 25, 2023
Strand of Oaks Live In Concert In Belgium.

Past critic reviews published in

Dagens Nyheter (Sweden), Humo (Belgium), MAGNET Magazine (USA), Humo (Belgium), Humo (Belgium) and more

Image Credit

Dusdin Condren [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons