Sub Focus live in concert.

Sub Focus

critic concert reviews

How good are they LIVE?

Live Rating  

Based on 
critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critics Consensus

Based on 4 concert reviews, the critics consensus is that Sub Focus is rated as a watchable live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Sub Focus concert reviews describe live shows and performances as uplifting and dazzling.

How long are their concerts?

How much to book?

How much does it cost to book Sub Focus? To hire for a live performance or concert, the booking fees for Sub Focus range from $25,000 - $40,000, with Sub Focus's current estimated booking fee to be around $25,000.

On tour

Roxy, Praha, Czech Republic (April 18); Roxy, Praha, Czech Republic (April 19); Akvarium Klub, Budapest, Hungary (April 30); La Nuova Poncia Polo Club, Annone di Brianza, Italy (May 31); Parnu Rannapark, Parnu, Estonia (July 11); De Schorre, Boom, Belgium (July 18)

Artist Info

Guildford, United Kingdom (4/13/1982)
Last Fm:/group/Sub+Focus Nick Douwma a.k.a. Sub Focus came to the DnB scene from Guildford, UK in 2003, and broke through with a number of tracks in his first year including "Acid Test", and "X-Ray".
Has Performed With
Artist Website

Critic Concert Reviews

The Upcoming (UK)

April 18, 2014
With its bass-heavy electronics and uplifting tone it gets any one of any age up and dancing even if they’re feeling a little lethargic after a few beers.

The Guardian (UK)

October 30, 2013
A lone figure stands at the centre of what looks like a giant exploding globe of audio reactive circular LED technology – lights that emit dazzling patterns according to the music. There's a giant white triangle within a blue circle and a huge pulsating pyramid. Canadian DJ Deadmau5 – who performs wearing a g

Louder Than War (UK)

October 18, 2013
Showing off his new album ‘Torus’ was very easily done pulling out his major tracks such as “Endorphins” and “Could this be real” which made the crowd go crazy.

eGigs (UK)

October 18, 2013
The O2 Academy in Bristol is a sweat box at the best of times and tonight packed room will be no exception.

Past critic reviews published in

Image Credit

Steve Wright [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons

Latest Release

Wildfire (30 July 2024)