The XX live in concert.

The XX

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

The XX is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 5% of all live performers. Based on 225 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that The XX is rated as an exceptional live performer, with noteworthy shows that are worth watching. The XX concert reviews describe live shows and performances as artful, maximalist, hypnotic, sensual, theatrical, genuine, and danceable.




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Latest Release

Shelter (Live Remix 2017) (24 March 2022)

Artist Info

Wandsworth, United Kingdom (2005 - present)
The xx are a Mercury Prize-winning trio formed in 2005 in London, United Kingdom and signed to Young Turks. The band members are Romy Madley Croft (vocals, lead guitar), Oliver Sim (vocals, bass guitar), and Jamie Smith, known as Jamie xx (drums, keyboards, synthesizer, MPC sampler).
Has Performed With
Sampha, Kelela, JJ, Jagwar Ma, Grizzly Bear, Friendly Fires, Flume, Austra

Critic Concert Reviews

The Telegraph (UK)

May 27, 2018
You’re kind of hard, London, Lorde told the hemmed-in crowd with a lick of her broad New Zealand accent.

Ambient Light (New Zealand)

April 1, 2018
As a blanket of clammy humidity settled in for the early evening like an old flat mate bunking down for a night on the couch, fans of The xx waved tickets and hands in front of their faces in the vain attempt to generate even the smallest of breezes.

The AU Review (Australia)

January 23, 2018
The irony now being of course, their ‘lowkey indie’ music is presented with huge production values, in mainstream venues.

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

January 21, 2018
Where most bands manage to make a fair bit of noise with guitar, bass and drums, the xx subverts the trinity.

The Music (Australia)

January 20, 2018
The xx played each song with personality and poise, with their performance feeling like it had a higher purpose beyond just showcasing their talent to a legion of appreciative fans.

The 13th Floor (New Zealand)

January 12, 2018
The XX are a band that exudes a quiet influence over contemporary mainstream pop music, largely thanks to their self-titled debut released nine years ago.

The Santa Barbara Independent (USA)

October 2, 2017
Santa Barbara, USA

Past critic reviews published in

The Orange County Register (USA), The Skinny (UK), Birmingham Live (UK), Live in Limbo (Canada), Dallas Observer (USA) and more

Image Credit

Tuomas Vitikainen [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons