Tim Burgess live in concert.

Tim Burgess

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 16 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Tim Burgess is rated as a neither good nor bad live performer, with shows that lack distinction.




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Latest Release

Tim's Listening Party (15 March 2024)

Artist Info

Salford, United Kingdom (5/30/1967)
Tim Burgess (born Timothy Allan Burgess on May 30, 1967, in Salford, Lancashire, England) is the lead singer of British rock/indie act The Charlatans. He joined the Charlatans in 1989 and was signed, with the band, by Beggars Banquet Records in 1990.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

XS Noize (Northern Ireland)

November 10, 2022
From hosting countless listening parties, which brought thousands of people together during a period they were most needed, to being an accomplished author, the Charlatans frontman has proved he is a master of many trades.

Backseat Mafia

June 15, 2022
It’s always good to see Tom Smith performing and see how much he has changed and how far he has came in his music career. As soon as Tom came on stage the whole crowd started to cheer his name and singing along to his lyrics.

The Guardian (UK)

December 18, 2013
Islington Assembly Hall, London, UK

The Upcoming (UK)

December 18, 2013
But tonight at Islington’s Assembly Hall in North London fans are gathered for Tim’s solo material and his most recent album: Oh No I Love You.

musicOMH (UK)

September 24, 2013
While many of sometime Charlatans front man’s contemporaries from the Madchester era reunite to jump on the nostalgia train Burgess continues to surprise and mostly delight.


November 9, 2012
London, UK

musicOMH (UK)

October 24, 2012
From a legendary hedonist living the rock and roll dream and apparently ingesting copious amounts of cocaine suppository-style to the meditating teetotaller giving away The Charlatans records for free and producing his friends’ records.

Past critic reviews published in

Image Credit

Tore Satre [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons