Tom Robinson live in concert.

Tom Robinson

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Tom Robinson is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 5% of all live performers. Based on 14 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Tom Robinson is rated as an excellent live performer, with noteworthy shows that are worth seeing. Tom Robinson concert reviews describe live shows and performances as ferocious, exhilarating, inspirational, and lyrical.




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Latest Release

Mister Nice Guy - EP (18 September 2024)

Artist Info

Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom (6/1/1950)
Tom Robinson (b. 1st June 1950) is an English musician.
Has Performed With
Tom Robinson Band

Critic Concert Reviews

Buzz Magazine (UK)

June 17, 2019
Wales, UK (UK)

November 2, 2018
Tom Robinson, be he an inspirational DJ, a disciple of John Peel forever promoting new bands and new music and helping make BBC6 radio great, a former gay rights activist who found real love with a member of the opposite sex and indeed a now happily married man with kids just showing how love is the common th

Americana (UK)

March 1, 2018
Tom Robinson's headline mid-week concert was presented as part of the ongoing City Roots Festival, an offshoot of the Cambridge Folk Festival which is presented at several venues across the city in late February and early March.

The Guardian (UK)

July 3, 2013
They were, albeit briefly, one of the bravest, most exhilarating bands of the late 70s. The Tom Robinson Band (TRB) were led by an articulate punk hero from a middle-class family with a troubled history, who wrote strong melodies matched with furious lyrics that directly addressed issues from racism, injustic

Louder Than War (UK)

May 23, 2022
Tom Robinson Band: Manchester Band On The Wall

Record Collector Magazine (UK)

October 20, 2018
TRB presented Robinson’s debut, Power In The Darkness, and a rapt, respectful audience was transported back 40 years. The only things altered were some dated lyrical references (Mary Whitehouse replaced by Boris Johnson), but the sound was reproduced faithfully and tribute paid to the original members. Only o

GetIntoThis (UK)

October 20, 2018
Tom Robinson celebrates the 40th anniversary of his classic Power in the Darkness album at Liverpool Philharmonic’s Music Room and Getintothis’s Banjo was there to look back in anger.

Past critic reviews published in

Record Collector Magazine (UK), Nottingham Post (UK), Yorkshire Evening Post (UK), Louder Than War (UK), Louder Than War (UK) and more

Image Credit

[CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons