Woods live in concert.


critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

Based on 
critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 31 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Woods is rated as a watchable live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Woods concert reviews describe live shows and performances as upbeat.


Arrowood Farms, Accord, NY, United States (September 21);

Latest Release

Perennial (September 15, 2023)

Artist Info

Brooklyn, United States (2005 - present) (2005 – present) (2005 Рpresent)
Has Performed With
The Fresh & Onlys, Parquet Courts

Critic Concert Reviews

Chunky Glasses (USA)

July 19, 2017
Then the election happened, and in a quick outpouring of emotion, the band found they had written and recorded a six-song, 32-minute record reacting to the outcome.

Mondo Sonoro (Spain)

April 8, 2017
Teatro Barcelo, Spain

LA Record (USA)

August 2, 2016
The audience swayed as the band performed songs from their 2016 release City Sun Eater in the River of Light along with favorites from all seven of their studio albums.


July 24, 2016
Bordering on a Dwyer-esque abandon at points van der Spek’s yelping vocals and slashing guitars channeled elements of the garage/punk hybrid sound that’s come to prominence in the band’s home base of Los Angeles in recent years.

Too Many Blogs (UK)

June 27, 2016
Since their formation in 2005 Woods have released nine albums, each one more complete, more revealing, and packed with more exquisite melodies than the last.

Brighton's Finest (UK)

June 24, 2016
The Hope and Ruin on June 21, 2016

Jambands (USA)

May 16, 2016
Inside, past the dim-lit bar, an intimate 200-capacity room was packed with Friday night fervor where Brooklyn-bred quintet Woods played to a sold-out crowd.

Past critic reviews published in

Gaffa (Norway), Musikknyheter.no (Norway), Rave Child (Scotland), Gigging NI (Northern Ireland), Bristol In Stereo (UK) and more

Image Credit

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