Carson McHone live in concert.

Carson McHone

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 5 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Carson McHone is rated as an entertaining live performer, with many notable strengths.




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ODES (19 July 2024)

Artist Info

Carson McHone is an alt-country/americana songwriter from Austin, TX. She released her first self titled EP in 2013, followed by her debut album "Goodluck Man", released by Good Horse Records in 2015.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Americana (UK)

May 30, 2019
Well into a 40 date tour, Carson McHone proved tonight exactly why Loose Records invested time and effort in recruiting her to their record label at the back end of 2018. Resplendent in a white two piece suit and semi-matching black and white guitar

God Is In The TV Zine (UK)

January 27, 2020
With almost perfect symmetry it is nearly a year to the day since the Austin, Texas singer-songwriter Carson McHone crossed the Atlantic and played her first ever live dates on these shores.

Thank Folk for That (USA)

February 11, 2019
Manchester, UK

God Is In The TV Zine (UK)

February 6, 2019
The occasional “y’all” aside there is nothing to immediately connect Carson McHone with Austin, Texas. She is not a caricature of someone from that town, not least a country singer. There are no rhinestones, no frills, no lace.

Vulture Hound (UK)

July 14, 2016
London, UK

Past critic reviews published in

Faster Louder (Australia), Faster Louder (Australia), Room Thirteen (UK), Mondo Sonoro (Spain), Devilution (Denmark) and more

Image Credit

Roberta [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons