Crystal Fighters live in concert.

Crystal Fighters

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 36 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Crystal Fighters is rated as an entertaining live performer, with worthwhile shows overall. Crystal Fighters concert reviews describe live shows and performances as compelling, alluring, amazing, energetic, and intricate.


Recinto Ferial de La Fica, Murcia, Spain (May 2)


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Latest Release

LIGHT+ Deluxe & Remixes (9 August 2024)

Artist Info

London, United Kingdom (2007 - present)
Crystal Fighters are an English/Spanish electronic band who formed in London, United Kingdom in 2007. They are Sebastian (lead vocals, guitar), Gilbert (electronics, guitars, txalaparta, percussion) and Graham (guitar/ txalaparta), plus Laure and Mimi (vocals).
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

The Upcoming (UK)

April 5, 2019
While the show may have benefited from slightly more variation in textures and feelings, and the voices on display were perhaps not of the highest calibre, the night wasn’t about that. There was one mission: to get the audience dancing like no one was watching, and that was accomplished.

Diandra Reviews It All (USA)

April 7, 2017
Crystal Fighters Give Care And Spirit To Music Hall Of Williamsburg

The AU Review (Australia)

July 25, 2016
The show marked the end of their brief run of performances in Australia, which included shows in Melbourne and at Splendour in the Grass.

The Guardian (UK)

November 24, 2013
Every gig spawns a landslide of siiiiicks and amazingggggs the conclusion being that an evening with the Anglo-Spanish sextet affects the area of the brain that controls written language.

QRO Magazine

September 20, 2011
Despite a couple of false starts due to technical hitches the audience was undeterred in their enthusiasm and erupted into woops and cheers when the band finally emerged.

The Guardian (UK)

March 17, 2011
Heaven, London, UK (UK)

October 2, 2010
With such a high quality album it was a gamble whether they’d be able to live up to such great tunes live but they did not fail to disappoint by any means.

Past critic reviews published in

Mondo Sonoro (Spain), GIGsoup (UK), (Belgium), Mondo Sonoro (Spain), Bands of Tomorrow (Denmark) and more

Image Credit

PitPony Photography [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons