DakhaBrakha live in concert.


critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

Based on 
critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 12 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that DakhaBrakha is rated as a watchable live performer, with decent shows overall.


Stewart Theater, Raleigh (NC), United States (Mar 23); Tennessee Theatre, Knoxville, United States (Mar 27)

Latest Release

TUMAN - Single (29 June 2023)

Artist Info

Kyiv, Ukraine (2004 - present)
DakhaBrakha - is a group from Ukraine which plays the contemporary-folk music, defined themselves as "ethno-chaos". Dah (Dakh) - is a place, there the group was created - The Centre of the Contemporary Art "DAKH".
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Nippertown (USA)

July 28, 2023
Do you know how you go to a concert by a favorite band or musician? You know them; you know their music. You have favorites.

The Santa Barbara Independent (USA)

October 11, 2022
Group Brought Its Unique Sound and Political Messaging

Nippertown (USA)

August 5, 2022
Al Quaglieri once wrote in Metroland that the best music often comes from the most miserable places.

The Independent (UK)

June 26, 2022
Jazz-fusion virtuoso Herbie Hancock delights the Pyramid Stage audience with a sunny afternoon set, while Ukraine’s DakhaBrakha come armed with a message against Putin

The Boston Globe (USA)

April 10, 2022
Ukraine's DakhaBrakha brings a beguiling blend of music from an anguished nation.

Consequence (USA)

July 15, 2015
That dark, tilting sound lit everyone with a curious joy, especially those flaunting their heritage. A small group of ten or so people gathered in the middle bearing dorm-sized Ukraine flags, blue and yellow beaded necklaces, and table-top flags on sticks. During slower numbers, they waved their flags in the

Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)

May 24, 2023
Dakhabrakha Live In Concert In Sweden

Past critic reviews published in

Gaffa (Denmark), Undertoner (Denmark), Rhythm Passport (UK), Shepherd Express (USA), Bucketlist Music Reviews (Canada)

Image Credit

Smial [CC BY-SA .0] via Wikimedia Commons