David Wax Museum live in concert.

David Wax Museum

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 11 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that David Wax Museum is rated as an enjoyable live performer, with some notable strengths. David Wax Museum concert reviews describe live shows and performances as joyous, energetic, and joyful.




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Latest Release

You Must Change Your Life (5 May 2023)

Artist Info

David Wax Museum is a folk and roots rock band blending traditional Mexican Son music with Americana in what they call "Mexo-Americana."
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Nippertown (USA)

February 26, 2022
It was a family affair Friday night at Caffe Lena as husband and wife David Wax and Suz Slezak performed accompanied by longtime collaborator and multi-instrumentalist Alec Spiegelman. The couple are the core members of David Wax Museum and they bring their two young children along when they tour.

Local Spins (USA)

November 7, 2019
The Mexo-Americana group and singer-songwriter Heather Maloney earned a warm welcome from fans attending Wednesdays concert at the new Grand Rapids venue. Review, photos at Local Spins.

Nippertown (USA)

February 22, 2019
David Wax Museum @ Caffe Lena, 2/14/19

Parklife DC (USA)

January 6, 2020
Ive yet to read a concert review that begins with the line: It was a dark and stormy night… but it would be apropos of this one.

Parklife DC (USA)

January 2, 2019
David Wax Museum brought the band's border-crossing, world-spiced Mexo-Americana party to the Union Stage in DC with barely 24 hours left in the year.

No Depression (USA)

April 15, 2016
I've had a friend for seven-eight years who just happens to be running for president of the United States, said Mellencamp.

New England Music News (USA)

April 3, 2016
After a day of sampling the best of Portland’s cuisine and craft beer and observing its tattoo culture, David Wax and Suz Slezak joyfully led their band through new songs and selections from their back catalog at Port City Music Hall in Portland Maine.

Past critic reviews published in

East of 8th (USA), Chunky Glasses (USA), College Media Journal (USA), Mezzic (USA)

Image Credit

digboston [CC BY 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons