Devendra Banhart live in concert.

Devendra Banhart

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 81 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Devendra Banhart is rated as a watchable live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Devendra Banhart concert reviews describe live shows and performances as entrancing, eccentric, entertaining, psychedelic, playful, innovative, and stunning.




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Latest Release

The Rose - Single (24 September 2024)

Artist Info

Houston, United States (5/30/1981)
Devendra Obi Banhart (born May 30, 1981) is a Venezuelan American singer-songwriter and visual artist. Banhart was born in Houston, Texas and was raised by his mother in Venezuela, until he moved to California as a teenager.
Has Performed With
The Grogs, Swans, Rokia Traore, Andy Cabic

Critic Concert Reviews

musicOMH (UK)

February 4, 2020
Andy Cabic of Vetiver opened the night, proving that Banhart wasn’t the only artist to release an album that slipped under the radar somewhat last year.

The Guardian (UK)

July 19, 2017
But while his pedigree (bearded skateboarder, dated Natalie Portman, did an Oliver Peoples advert) might suggest aloofness, the Venezuelan-American songwriter – backed here by a four-piece band – is one of the most magnetic performers around.

Live in Limbo (Canada)

March 12, 2017
Devendra Banhart's stop in Toronto at the Phoenix got off to an unremarkable start thanks to his opening acts Rogov and Josiah Steinbrick.

Exclaim (Canada)

March 10, 2017
Banhart embodied a childlike restlessness, pacing the stage, adjusting his trousers, standing on one leg, walking side stage to simply touch the large handing speaker.

Berkeley B-Side (USA)

February 2, 2017
Devendra Banhart captivates The Fillmore; calls on SF to “Make More Art”

Berkeley B-Side (USA)

October 20, 2014
Devendra Banhart and Andy Cabic make melodic poetry at BAM/PFA

The Guardian (UK)

May 6, 2014
Devendra Banhart Live In Concert In the UK

Past critic reviews published in

The Music (Australia), The Upcoming (UK), The Arts Desk (UK), Consequence (USA), The Upcoming (UK) and more

Image Credit

Cal Quinn [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons