Faster Pussycat live in concert.

Faster Pussycat

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

Based on 
critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
Based on 
critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 18 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Faster Pussycat is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction.




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Latest Release

Like a Ghost (28 November 2022)

Artist Info

Los Angeles, United States (1986 - present)
Faster Pussycat is a hard rock band that formed in the mid-80s and is often associated with the glam metal scene, belonging to the sleaze subgenre alongside bands such as Guns N' Roses, L.A.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Rock Show Critique (USA)

July 11, 2021
Faster Pussycat Smokes At The Big Indian

The Music (Australia)

February 15, 2019
The band are 'on' from the first note of their opening number.

V13 (Canada)

August 16, 2017
I wouldn’t describe myself as a particularly dedicated Faster Pussycat fan.

Shockwave Magazine (USA)

August 4, 2017
Faster Pussycat made the way back into Maryland to put on a show for Brad Lee Entertainment and this time lead singer Taime Downe was able to perform.

Bucketlist Music Reviews (Canada)

July 30, 2017
The first thing that entered my mind as I jostled my way through an already swarming crowd at Piranha Bar was, “Were flip flops the appropriate choice of footwear for a show labelled ’30 Years of Sleaze’?” Casting my reservations aside, I fully immersed myself in the deluge of discernible cleavage, tight crot

Northeast Rock Review (USA)

September 23, 2015
Taime Downe made the trek to Worcester, as part of his cross country motorcycle ride #taimestrek, part of it with Riki Rachtman.

Northeast Rock Review (USA)

May 4, 2015
FASTER PUSSYCAT April 30, 2015 The Palladium Worcester, MA From the Hollywood Sunset Strip to Main Street, Worcester, April 30th marked Faster Pussycat’s appearance in Worcester, Massachusetts at the Palladium as one of the many stops on their 2015 tour. The Palladium is known as one of Worcester’s lon

Past critic reviews published in

Rock n Roll Experience (USA), National Rock Review, Rock n Roll Experience (USA), (Denmark), Rocknytt (Sweden) and more

Image Credit

Dustin Jack [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons