Jim James live in concert.

Jim James

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 50 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Jim James is rated as a watchable live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Jim James concert reviews describe live shows and performances as psychedelic, eclectic, show-stopping, haunting, and hypnotic.


The Kia Forum, Los Angeles, United States (October 17)


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Latest Release

Know Til Now (Pixelated & Poolside Version) - Single (14 March 2024)

Artist Info

Louisville, United States (4/27/1978)
Jim James, or sometimes Yim Yames (actual name James Edward Olliges, Jr.) is an American vocalist, guitarist, producer, and primary songwriter of the rock band My Morning Jacket.
Has Performed With
Twin Limb, Cold Specks

Critic Concert Reviews

XS Noize (Northern Ireland)

September 23, 2019
Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind are less than five years old; yet their history goes back further to the Jim Jones Review, which folded in 2014.

Music In Minnesota (USA)

May 16, 2019
Jim James Shreds through Uniform Distortion at First Avenue, with help from Amo Amo

Pass The Aux (USA)

August 15, 2018
Jim James brings people together with wide-ranging set at KCRW HQ

Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel (USA)

November 28, 2016
Turner Hall Ballroom, Milwaukee, USA

Chicago Tribune (USA)

November 27, 2016
Vic Theatre, Chicago, USA

Glide Magazine (USA)

May 3, 2013
Jim James Live In Concert In the USA

The Aquarian Weekly (USA)

March 15, 2013
I opened it to find a graphic of an actual crinkled, old-timey telegram that stated: In celebration of his new album Regions Of Light And Sound Of God, you are cordially invited to see Jim James live at the McKittrick Hotel.

Past critic reviews published in

Glide Magazine (USA), Louder Than War (UK), Chunky Glasses (USA), Jambands (USA), mxdwn.com (USA) and more

Image Credit

Trey Cady [CC BY-SA-3.0] via Wikimedia Commons