Man Or Astro-Man live in concert.

Man Or Astro-Man

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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critic concert

Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 14 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Man Or Astro-Man is rated as a neither good nor bad live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Man Or Astro-Man concert reviews describe live shows and performances as psychedelic.


O2 Academy Islington, London, United Kingdom (October 29); Penelope, Benidorm, Spain (October 31)


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Latest Release

ROYGBIV (Recordings from the BBC) (6 September 2024)

Artist Info

Auburn, Lee County, Alabama, United States (1992 - present)
Man or Astro-Man?-ostensibly four stranded space aliens who took the guise of college students. With their unique blending of punk, electronica and surf music performed with a large amount of energy in visually exciting live shows they quickly gained an audience.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Spectrum Culture (USA)

May 18, 2023
“It’s been a minute,” Man or Astro-Man? bassist Coco the Electronic Monkey Wizard told an excited Midwest crowd, right before ripping into another crazily loud, unhinged garage-surf number. Coco (government name: Robert del Bueno) could have been speaking figuratively – cursory research leads this reporter to believe t

Glide Magazine (USA)

August 19, 2015
Imagine the outcome that would occur if you locked Dick Dale in room with copious amounts of LSD, a couple of guitars and a VCR that continually played early space film from the 60’s and 70’s, then asked him to write a score.

That Music Magazine (USA)

September 15, 2014
Wray (photos by Donte Kirby) Wray is a three piece from Birmingham with a trance-like psychedelic sound and a bit of a kick to it.

LA Record (USA)

July 24, 2014
The Roxy, Los Angeles, USA

No Country For New Nashville (USA)

July 17, 2014
Man Or Astro-Man? w/ Sallie Ford & Wray | Exit/In | July 15, 2014

Tiny Mix Tapes (USA)

June 23, 2014
I know we’re all a little jaded when it comes to reformed bands of yesteryear, and I realize it’s old hat to marvel at the necromantic power of the internet and its globalized fan bases to resuscitate underappreciated groups of past decades , but still, I’m a little nonplussed that the new

BeatRoute Magazine (Canada)

June 15, 2013
‘Twas of no matter, because they blew our brains out anyway with the set opener “Anti-Matter Man” (one of only a few vocal numbers sung this night by guitarist Starcrunch) and began the countdown to fun from which we mindless masses almost didn’t recover. We did manage midway through the set to disperse a gag

Past critic reviews published in

The Bay Bridged (USA), Grimy Goods (USA), LA Record (USA), Gapers Block (USA), KEXP (USA) and more

Image Credit

Rivers Langley [Public Domain] via Wikimedia Commons