Randy Newman live in concert.

Randy Newman

critic concert reviews

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Randy Newman is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 5% of all live performers. Based on 34 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Randy Newman is rated as an exceptional live performer, with noteworthy shows that are worth watching. Randy Newman concert reviews describe live shows and performances as powerful, heartbreaking, and delightful.




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The Princess And The Frog The Songs Soundtrack (2 February 2024)

Artist Info

Los Angeles, United States (11/28/1943)
Randall Stuart "Randy" Newman (born November 28, 1943) is a singer/songwriter, arranger, composer, and pianist who is notable for his mordant (and often satirical) pop songs and for his many film scores. Newman is noted for his practice of writing lyrics from the perspective of a character far removed from Newman's own biography.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

Variety (USA)

August 14, 2018
Newmanphiles in attendance at the Hollywood Bowl on Sunday night were treated to the rare appearance of a band as well as an orchestra.

The Orange County Register (USA)

August 13, 2018
Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, USA

Chicago Tribune (USA)

October 19, 2017
It’s ostensibly a song about the narrator’s undying devotion to the title character, but it’s cut with self-loathing.

Spectrum Culture (USA)

October 12, 2017
Though many people know Newman for his saccharine work with Pixar, the musician has actually written some of the most wry and caustic songs of the past few decades.

Chicago Tribune (USA)

August 4, 2017
Randy Newman still has much to say

The Guardian (UK)

November 2, 2015
The self-deprecating singer played two hours’ worth of subtle character pieces and droll narratives of a kind that nobody else can write

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (USA)

July 31, 2015
The Rock and Roll Hall of Famer hasn't shown his face here since 1977 when he played to a small crowd at the Syria Mosque.

Past critic reviews published in

Image Credit

Masahiro Sumori [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons