Beady Eye live in concert.

Beady Eye

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Based on 25 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Beady Eye is rated as a decent live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Beady Eye concert reviews describe live shows and performances as raucous and dazzling.




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Latest Release

Roller - Single (28 January 2021)

Artist Info

Manchester, United Kingdom (2009 - 2014)
Beady Eye was an English rock band formed in 2009.
Has Performed With

Critic Concert Reviews

The AU Review (Australia)

January 29, 2014
For the faithful Oasis fans and for the British ex-pats it was an opportunity to finally get to see the notorious frontman and his bandmates in action again.

The Music (Australia)

January 27, 2014
Enmore Theatre, Sydney, Australia

Manchester Evening News (UK)

November 18, 2013
In those heady days of 1994 Liam Gallagher probably never thought he’d end up back here climbing the ladder with his new outfit Beady Eye.

GoldenPlec (Ireland)

November 10, 2013
There are no gimmicks, the former Oasis men simply turn up, play, say “thanks” and leave.

The Guardian (UK)

June 28, 2013
Let's face it you're not exactly going to call James Blake to solve this situation are you? Beady Eye on the other hand are just the tonic we need.

The Orange County Register (USA)

December 4, 2011
On the last couple albums by that band, brother and chief songwriter Noel finally relented – yet the tunes were never really up to par.

The Guardian (UK)

March 12, 2011
So given the opportunity to set up the release of his new band's record in the wake of Oasis's ugly split in August 2009 Liam you felt would come out of his corner snarling.

Past critic reviews published in (UK), The Guardian (UK), Humo (Belgium), Mondo Sonoro (Spain), Faster Louder (Australia) and more

Image Credit

Solly Darling [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons