"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 9/23/24)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are Real Live Certified if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critic Consensus
Based on 4 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Purple is rated as a neither good nor bad live performer, with shows that lack distinction. Purple concert reviews describe live shows and performances as innovative.
The Stillery is part of the Old Blue Last and Birthdays family from East London so basically those who know their music and are well-known for showcasing new talent that’s fresh innovative and just having a damn good time.
Rattling loudly on the lacy white stage locals Que Pasa fronted by Dikes of Holland's Liz Burrito who on New Year's Eve led a clumsy tribute to early Pink Floyd ("Stink Floyd").
Hanna Brewer is a firecracker. The sound engineer knows it, her band knows it, and now, the audience knows it too. The drummer of Texan trio Purple occupies a traditional space at the back of the stage. For all her grunting bravado, she may as well be right up in our faces. Sporting baseball caps, greasy hair