Wynton Marsalis live in concert.

Wynton Marsalis

critic concert reviews

How Good Are They LIVE?

Live Rating  

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critic concert
Last 12 Months Rating  
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Real Live Certified  

Real Live Certified badge for artists with consistent, high quality live performances and broad critical acclaim.

Critic Consensus

Wynton Marsalis is 'Real Live Certified' and is in the top 5% of all live performers. Based on 27 concert reviews, the critic consensus is that Wynton Marsalis is rated as an excellent live performer, with noteworthy shows that are worth seeing. Wynton Marsalis concert reviews describe live shows and performances as dazzling, crowd-pleasing, pleasing, and kaleidoscopic.


Het Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Mar 17); Massey Hall, Toronto, Canada (Jun 20)


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Latest Release

The Magic Hour (25 August 2023)

Artist Info

New Orleans, United States (10/18/1961)
Wynton Learson Marsalis (born October 18, 1961) is a trumpeter, composer, teacher, bandleader, music educator, and Artistic Director of Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York City, United States. Marsalis is the son of jazz musician Ellis Marsalis, Jr.
Has Performed With
Wynton Marsalis Quintet

Critic Concert Reviews

The Santa Barbara Independent (USA)

April 11, 2023
The Wynton Marsalis Septet’s Santa Barbara Granada Concert was Short on Original Music, but Long on Musical Prowess

Chicago Tribune (USA)

November 16, 2019
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Wynton Marsalis and friends take on Jazz Ambassadors

Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)

March 1, 2019
Wynton Marsalis' spectacular ode to the urban jungle of New York

The Santa Barbara Independent (USA)

October 4, 2018
Cultures the world over have often described in great terms the spiritual implication of everyday animals, and on Saturday night at The Granada Theatre.

Seattle Times (USA)

October 14, 2016
Wynton Marsalis, Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra shake out a kaleidoscopic concert

Exclaim (Canada)

June 30, 2016
Though he spoke softly in his intro Marsalis did not allow anyone to mishear the names of his musicians.

The Guardian (UK)

July 1, 2014
The Pakistanis' and the Americans' notions of groove were audibly different since as the man himself drily put it these guys count music to 60 or 70 or 80 and we don't often count past 12.

Past critic reviews published in

The Independent (UK), The Guardian (UK), The Telegraph (UK), The Guardian (UK), The Guardian (UK) and more

Image Credit

Eric Delmar [Public] via Wikimedia Commons