"How good are they LIVE?" in the last 12 months on 100 (as of 3/8/25)
Based on
critic concert reviews
Real Live Certified
Artists are "Real Live Certified" if their live shows have broad critical acclaim
Critics Consensus
Based on 41 concert reviews, the critics consensus is that Daniel Johnston is rated as an entertaining live performer, with worthwhile shows overall. Daniel Johnston concert reviews describe live shows and performances as career-spanning, sophisticated, and fierce.
How long are their concerts?
How long are Daniel Johnston concerts? Daniel Johnston concerts usually last to up to an hour and 15 minutes.
Daniel Johnston (born Daniel Dale Johnston in Sacramento, CA, on 22 January 1961; died in Waller, TX, on 10 September 2019) was an American singer-songwriter and visual artist regarded as a significant figure in outsider, lo-fi, and alternative music scenes.
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Critic Concert Reviews
Spectrum Culture (USA)
November 12, 2017
Anyone who has seen the documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston knows the cult lo-fi hero suffers from both schizophrenia and manic depression.
A friend of mine, on hearing that I was to see Daniel Johnston perform live, said, "his stuff is rough, but he is plugged into a scary truth."
That is a brilliant summary of Johnston's music. His style is raw and unsophisticated, but also hyper-direct and fiercely penetrating. His lyrics contain a truth so pu
In different ways both Jeffrey Lewis’ and Daniel Johnston’s relationships to performance are characterised by reluctance a making a show of the non-show of their tendencies to deconstruct the rock star.
Donning an all-Australian t-shirt and akubra and bursting straight into classic Hi How Are You his presence on stage is warmly welcomed by howling patrons and dedicated fans.
The usual pint-holding scrum of attendees in checked shirts has been replaced by a politely seated congregation waiting in rapt anticipation for their unlikely hero American singer-songwriter and 'outsider artist' Daniel Johnston.